How to Draw a Bunsen Burner with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1:
Draw the base
Begin by drawing a horizontal oval or rectangle for the base of the Bunsen burner. This will serve as the foundation. Make sure it is large enough to accommodate the burner components.
Step 2:
Add gas input
Draw a vertical rectangle or cylinder at one end of the base to represent the air intake. This is where gas will be supplied to the burner.
Step 3:
Sketch of the gas adjustment knob
Above the gas inlet, draw a smaller cylinder or circle to make the gas adjustment knob. This knob is used to control the gas flow to the burner.
Step 4:
Draw the combustion tube
From the air intake draw a curved line or cylinder extending upward and slightly outward. This represents the combustion tube, which controls the flow of gas.
Step 5:
Add a collar
At the top of the burner tube, draw a wider cylinder or oval for the collar. This is where the air intake holes are located.
Step 6:
Draw the fire
Inside the combustion tube, sketch a series of wavy or teardrop lines to represent the flame. You can draw it in different sizes and shapes depending on the intensity of the fire.
Step 7:
More details
Add any necessary details like shadows, labels, or additional elements to make your drawing more realistic. You can also add a shelf or support structure below the base if desired.
Step 8:
Delete unnecessary lines
Once you are satisfied with the overall shape and detail of the drawing, carefully erase any unnecessary guides or overlapping lines to clarify the image.
Step 9:
Final steps
Add any final touches or details to enhance your drawing, such as shading to create depth or color to make the drawing more vibrant and realistic.