How To Draw A Farm House step by step – Draw house and landscape with pencil

How To Draw A Farm House step by step

How To Draw A Farm House with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How To Draw A Farm House step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1. Perspective line

Draw the basic structure of the farmhouse using the rules of perspective and vanishing points. Draw an X from corner to corner of the center and right vertical line. Draw a vertical line through the center to indicate the location of the roof top. Connect the end of this line to the point on the left to establish the top of the roof.

Use two diagonal lines to connect the roof line to the side of the house. Draw a diagonal line to connect the top of the roof to the side of the house. Use the rules to draw lines parallel to the base of the building for the foundation. Draw another set of lines around the bottom of the roof.

Step 2. Sketch the structure

Set the position of the chimney using the vanishing point rules. Sketch windows, garage doors, and doors using the rules for drawing lines parallel to the basic structure. Sketch two windows on the front of the house and two windows on the side of the house.

Step 3. Doors and Windows

Use intersecting vertical and horizontal lines to detail the windows. Set up the garage door with vertical and horizontal lines. Detail of doors with five rectangles. Add stairs with rectangles and lines. Form bushes with curly lines. Add lights in front of the house as shown.

Step 4. Take sides

Using the vanishing points rules, draw evenly spaced lines around the front and side faces of the house. Sketch a diagonal line on the underside of the roof on the right side. Add a dot and a short curve for the garage opener and straight lines for the driveway. Draw a dashed line under the bush to show the ground.

Step 5. Final Details

Use vertical and horizontal lines to complete the chimney. Roof detail with straight lines. Draw the shutters with horizontal lines. Add a door handle to the entrance door. Finish the bushes with squiggles.

Your drawing is done! Even if you don’t get it right the first time, keep practicing until you’re satisfied with your drawing. The two-story brick house in our sequel boasts a detailed brick exterior. Learn how to draw a two-story brick house in just five steps in the next section.

Pictures for your reference

how to draw a farm house


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