how to draw a roller coaster with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Sketch the track outline: Start by drawing the basic outline of your roller coaster track. These can be any shape you like, but typical roller coaster tracks have curves, loops, ramps, and hills. Use a gentle pencil so you can easily erase and adjust when necessary.
Step 2
Add a support structure: Draw a support structure for your roller coaster track. They are usually made of steel beams or wooden supports. Add vertical beams along the rails to represent where the rails will be supported.
Step 3
Track Details: Refine the track’s outline, adding more details and curves to make it look realistic. Pay attention to the transitions between different elements like drops, loops, and turns.
Step 4
Add a train: Draw a roller coaster on the tracks. Start with a basic rectangle for the hull and add details like wheels, windows, and cars. Make sure the train fits on the tracks and looks balanced. And the highlight is the two babies sitting on the roller coaster and stretching their arms out.
Step 5
Incorporate details: Add details to make your roller coaster more realistic. This can include features such as platforms, queues, scenery, and other elements commonly found in amusement parks.
Step 6
Refine and erase: Take a step back and look at your entire drawing. Make any necessary adjustments to the track, support or training to improve the overall appearance. Erase any unnecessary lines or blemishes.
Step 7
Finishing: Once you’re satisfied with your drawing, redraw the lines with a pen or marker to make them bold and clear. You can also add color with markers, colored pencils, or crayons to bring your roller coaster to life.
Step 8
Context: Consider adding a background to your roller coaster drawing to place it in context. This can be a simple sky and ground, or you can draw buildings, trees, or other scenery to create a more dynamic scene.
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