How to Draw a Sickle with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to Draw a Sickle step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Draw the handle
First, draw the short handle of the sickle.

Step 2

Attach Ferrule
Now, draw a rectangle to attach the fitting to the handle.

Step 3

form the blade
Next, create the curved and pointed shape of the crescent.

Step 4

Draw a wavy outline on the blade
Draw a wavy line following the shape of the blade.

Step 5

Add texture
Draw wavy lines to add a wooden texture to the handle of the sickle.

Step 6

Complete the sickle drawing
It’s time to add some color to our sickle drawing! First, use a brown pen to color the handle. Next, use shades of gray to fill in the iron ring and crescent.

Other drawings for your reference:

How to Draw a Sickle

You can see more drawing:


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