How To Draw Deer Head with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How To Draw Deer Head Step by Step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Start by drawing a circle for the top of the reindeer skull. Don’t worry about getting it perfect, it’s just a guide and won’t be part of the final piece. Then draw a smaller circle with the approximate circumference of the snout barely overlapping the previous circle at the bottom. Next, connect the two circles together using two straight lines, somewhere just above the eyes which will be on both sides.

Step 2

It’s time to add the neck, simply draw a cone with the top cut off to connect to the reindeer’s head. Now you can finally add details starting with the ears. Then, go around and down the neck and torso, following the shape of the reindeer’s neck and tapering down to the soft tip at the base.

Step 3

Now we are getting into more details and more complicated parts on how to draw reindeer tutorials. You can start with the eyes, nose, mouth or with the cute antlers on top. It completely depends on you. Just make sure the antlers are the same size, length, and have a somewhat symmetrical design. Draw the eyes at the edge of the circle and between the two lines. The nose is located at the top of the smaller circle, occupying 2/3 of the circle’s area. And then add lines to open the mouth. Antlers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so feel free to change this up if you find a different reference you want to follow.

Step 4

And now you can start drawing, shading or coloring in the drawing to completion. Darken the eyes, but don’t forget to add reflected light to them. Darken the nose and just like what we did with the eyes, don’t forget to add highlights. The nostril should have the darkest color and shade, and since that part is often wet, it can also have very subtle highlights.

Step 5

For pen and ink, use pens of different sizes so you can vary your lines from heavy lines to very thin lines. I usually use sizes from 0.1 to 0.5, experiment with different sizes and different types of pens to see what works for you and what you like. Mine has just a bit of detail and is completely filled in, so feel free to add more shading and value.On the right is a light sketch I did on my B5 Artist’s Sketchbook. Paint lightly like this if you plan to draw or use other pigments so that the sketch doesn’t show up easily in the finished painting, especially when using a transparent medium like watercolor.

Other drawings for your reference:

How To Draw Deer Head Step by Step

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