How To Draw Girl with A Tiger Cute – Easy Step By Step

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How To Draw Girl with A Tiger Cute

How To Draw Girl with A Tiger Cute with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and kids.

How To Draw Girl with A Tiger Cute

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

drawing tiger.

Step 1.

Draw a large circle as your head. Then draw a curved line on it to get the contours of the face.

Step 2.

Draw your oval ears, eyes, and nose, and paint the nose black.

Step 3.

Complete the eyes and draw the mouth. Then draw the pattern on the face.

Step 4.

Draw the body and small limbs. At the same time draw patterns on the body.

Step 5.

Draw a slender, black and white tail.

Step 6.

Finally, you just need to simply color and the cute little tiger is done!

drawing girl

Step 7

First we need to think about the character we are drawing. This is a skinny teenage girl from high school. We can then reflect these characteristics of the figure in stickman. The special feature of our character is the rather large head, stationary stance and wide pelvis combined with narrow shoulders.

Step 8

In this step, we will also perform some basic steps. First, we outline the lower contour of the eyes using a horizontal line. Please note that this line is much lower than the conditional middle of the head. Also don’t forget about the standard vertical line that divides the head into two equal parts.

Second, we’ll work a little bit with the body. We’ll connect the chest and pelvis with a pair of smooth elegant lines like in our sample. Then we can connect the head and body with a narrow neck conduit.

Step 9

There’s something we’re missing for a full-fledged silhouette, isn’t there? Sure. These are the limbs of our character. Sketch the graceful arms and round legs. Use truncated cylinders with smooth narrowing. The feet and hands look like small angular shapes.

Step 10

So we continue our tutorial on how to draw an anime girl. Add a few more details to further create a great anime style drawing. In this step, we outline the large contours of the anime eyes. We also outline the contours of the hairstyle. Use rough sharp lines. Remember to refer to the instructions from the second step.

Step 11

Time to work on clothes, right? You can actually think of any outfit for your anime character. If you want to do something similar to our pattern, you can sketch the hemline of a mini dress, long sleeves and a sharp angled collar with a bow. Do not forget to outline the contours of the sock and the small lapel of the distal part of the sleeve.

Step 12

So we have a complete complete silhouette. This means we can start working on the final details. We will do this from head to toe. Therefore, in this step we will draw the final details of the face. Notice the large, expressive anime eyes and the small lines that signify all the other features of the anime face.

Step 13

Okay, now we can draw the body of an anime girl. Use your imagination to create clothes to your liking. We decided to draw a school uniform with a nice collar and long bow. Don’t forget the small details like the collarbone and crease in the fabric.

Step 14

In this step we will detail the hand of our heroine. Don’t forget that we are drawing a schoolgirl, so these should be very small hands. Pay attention to the different finger sizes. The thumbs should be pressed against the index fingers. Don’t forget to read our special tutorial on how to draw anime. It will facilitate this difficult step.

Step 15

Repeat the steps from the previous step with only the pelvis and lower extremities. Repeat the steps from the previous step with only the pelvis and lower extremities. So we draw the final version of the garment – in our case, this is the skirt, high socks and shoes. Don’t forget the important details, such as the vertical pleats on the skirt and the buckle on the front of the shoes.

Step 16

Add some shadows. Bright shadows are a great way to add completeness and realism to your drawings. To draw the shadow, use a light base layer. You can first outline the boundary of the shaded area, and then cover it with a fill color.

So we have finished drawing the girl and the tiger.

By Emily

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