How To Draw Squirtle From Pokemon Easy Step By Step

How To Draw Squirtle From Pokemon with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.

How To Draw Squirtle From Pokemon

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1:

First, draw a circle for the head, followed by a larger, partial oval for the body.

Step 2:

Create two curved lines in the circle (to guide you when drawing facial features) and another vertical curve in the body.

Step 3:

Next, draw single line guides for the arms, legs, and tail.

Step 4:

Make a small curved line on the right side of the head as shown in the image.

Step 5:

Using facial guides, draw small eyes and nose.

Step 6:

Draw the details of the eyeball.

Step 7:

Now it’s time to draw a big crescent mouth

Step 8:

Use the guide to draw the front of his body.

Step 9:

Draw a chubby left arm with two fingers.

Step 10:

In the same way, draw the left leg, with two scissors visible on his little paw.

Step 11:

Draw an inverted ‘U’ with three blunt points at the low end for the right leg and toe.

Step 12:

Similarly, using the guide, draw the right arm and fingers.

Step 13:

Use the single line drawn inside the body (in step 2) to draw two curved lines for the outline of the seashell.

Step 14:

Add some details to the back cover as shown in the picture.

Step 15:

It’s time to turn his tail into shape. Check the guide alternate spiral drawn in step 3.

Step 16:

Draw a small line from the body, connecting it with the spiral to complete the tail. Also, let’s start adding details to his front cover.

Step 17:

Finish the front case with a honeycomb-like pattern

Step 18:

Color the sketch with the appropriate shades of blue, yellow and brown. Don’t forget to keep the bottom of the shell white and use a little red for the tongue.

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