How to draw Triceratops Baby Dinosaur with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Start with a curved triangle on the left side of the page. Add an elongated S shape at the top and a short curved line at the bottom.
For the eye, sketch a downward curved line, draw a larger curved line underneath and connect the shape to a straight line. Draw a circle inside the eye and add curves around the eye to create depth.
Step 2
Make a large curved triangle for the top horn. Below the front horn, draw another large triangle facing downwards, then draw a curved line for the lower jaw.
Add more curves to complete the mine. Sketch a circle for the nostrils and draw two more curved lines on the face.
Step 3
For the left horn, draw a long triangle resembling a tentacle. Add lines inside the horn and curves below.
Start drawing a tall heart shape above the head and draw rounded triangles above and behind this shape like chewing gum.
Step 4
Finish the heart shape loosely and add more gum. Sketch two large hooks inside the figure.
Step 5
Start the right foot with an arrow pointing to the right, then draw a parallel arrow. Use two curved lines for the underside of the body. Sketch a few more curves around the head.
Step 6
Make three ovals like Easter eggs for the toes. Use loose, irregular lines to draw the hind legs, then add a V above the first line to make the legs round like a chicken thigh.
Step 7
Use rounded triangles for the toes on the back foot. Start the left foot forward with an uneven line.
Step 8
Draw three more easter egg shapes for the toes, then complete the leg section with a curved line that connects to the torso. Draw a corner line pointing to the right to start the final leg.
Step 9
For the back, create a curving curve that ends with a loose point for the tail, then release it into a deep curve that connects to the torso. Complete the final leg with three overlapping toes and a few short runs.
Step 10
Complete your three-horned cartoon by outlining the entire drawing with a black pen or marker. Erase loose pencil lines. For a realistic look, color your cartoon tricorn with a light green color. Use a darker blue for the shadows and a lighter white for the horns, toes, and beak. Add a lighter green to the highlights to show the sunlight hitting the dinosaur’s skin.
Pictures for your reference