How to make Raw Vegan Neapolitan Cake Recipe

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Raw Vegan Neapolitan Cake Recipe

This vegetarian Neapolitan cake is really good. The perfect chocolate crust, strawberry and vanilla icing follow.. and topping with some cocoa rings gives a nice visual and great taste to the final cake. You don’t have to be on a raw or vegan, gluten-free or gluten-free diet to enjoy this cake, this Neapolitan cake is simply a delightful dessert everyone will love.

Raw Vegan Neapolitan Cake Recipe

Home Cooking Adventure


Makes one 6 inch round cake, about 8-10 servings

1 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup dates, pitted
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tbsp coconut oil

Filling – Vanilla base
1 1/2 cups (240g) raw cashews, soaked in water 4-6 hours then drained
1/2 cup liquid sweetener of your choice (maple syrup, agave nectar, raw honey if not vegan)
5 tbsp lemon juice (juice of 1 large lemon)
1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
1 tbsp pure vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Additional Ingredients for Chocolate Layer
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tbsp liquid sweetener of your choice
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted

Additional Ingredients for Strawberry Layer
1 cup frozen strawberries


1. Prepare the crust: Place dates, ground almonds, cocoa powder in the bowl of a food processor and blend until crumbs form. Add coconut oil and process some more until the mixture is well combined and stick together when squeezed between your fingers.

2. Press well the crust mixture into the bottom of a 6 inch springform pan using your fingers or the back of a tablespoon or even the bottom of a glass. Set aside while you prepare the filling.

3. Prepare the vanilla base: Add all ingredients for vanilla base, presoaked cashews, lemon juice, liquid sweetener, melted coconut oil, vanilla extract and salt into the bowl of a blender and process until creamy and smooth.

4. Remove one third of the mixture into a bowl for the vanilla layer, and another third of the mixture for the strawberry layer, in another bowl.

5. Add the additional ingredients for the chocolate layer over the remained cashew mixture into the blender and process until smooth and creamy. Pour the chocolate mixture evenly over the crust using a rubber spatula to spread it out. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes to set before adding the next layer.

6. Meanwhile rinse the blender and prepare the strawberry layer. Add the vanilla base mixture from one of the bowls that were set aside into the blender, add frozen strawberries and blend until smooth and creamy. Remove the pan from the freezer and gently pour the strawberry layer evenly over the chocolate layer. Freeze for another 15 minutes or until set before adding the next layer.

7. Remove the pan from the freezer and gently pour the remaining third of vanilla base from the bowl that was set aside over the strawberry layer. Smooth out evenly again using a rubber spatula.layer. Place in the freezer to firm up for 15 minutes while you prepare the chocolate glaze if desired. If not just let it freeze for at least 2 or 3 hours. I let it overnight.

8. If you want to decorate the cake with some chocolate start preparing the chocolate topping by combining the ingredients into a bowl. Cut the corner of a small plastic bag making a 1/8 inch or even smaller hole, and place the mixture into the bag. Remove the pan from the freezer and create a chocolate spiral or drizzle it anyway you desire over the cake. Place in the freezer until ready to serve.

9. Store the cake in the freezer, but leave it out for 15 minutes to thaw out before serving. Decorate the cake edges with cocoa nibs for a wonderful look and texture.

By Emily

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