How to draw a Cartoon Ant Easy Step by Step

How to draw a Cartoon Ant easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions.How to draw cartoons for beginners and kids.

how to draw a cartoon ant

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

To start animating the ant, we first need to draw a round head with a small beak-shaped mouth.

Step 2

Just behind the ant’s head, draw another oval of the same size. Then draw a much larger oval for the ant’s belly.

Step 3

Next, draw a small and slightly curved leg attached to the center of your cartoon ant.

Step 4

Repeat the previous step to give your cartoon ant all six equally sized legs.

Step 5

Finally, give your cartoon ant two large, circular eyes with a pair of antennae protruding from the center of the ant’s head.

Cartoon ants
Color your architecture with color options

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