How To Draw A Coyote with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
step 1
Start by drawing a circle. This will help you shape the wolf’s head.
Step 2
Remove the top part of the circle. In the created space, draw the ears upright using some overlapping curves. Trace the distal side of the ear using a backward “L” shaped line. Then detail the inside of both ears using wavy, curved lines.
Step 3
Erase one side of the circle. In the created space, use a long and curved line that doubles itself to form the muzzle. Draw a curved line across the muzzle to separate the upper and lower jaws. At the top of the muzzle, draw a circle to indicate the nose. Draw a curved line through the top of the circle and shade below it. Use two curved lines to outline each eye. Draw several consecutive smaller circles in each eye and shade between the two smallest circles to represent the pupil.
Step 4
Erase the remaining edge of the circle. In its place, draw curved lines down from the ears and jaw to form the wolf’s neck. At the base of the head, draw a series of short, curved lines that meet at points to indicate the presence of feathers.
step 5
Draw a curved line that overlaps the side of the neck to indicate the chest. Then draw a pair of curved lines to form the legs. Glue the overlapping “U” shaped lines to form the foot and toe.
step 6
Draw curved lines to expand the chest and form the shoulders and abdomen. Then use a pair of curved lines to form the raised front leg. Where the legs join the belly, draw several short, curved lines that meet at jagged points to form the feathers. Use overlapping “U” shaped lines.
step 7
Extend a pair of long and curved lines to form the hind legs. Use overlapping “U” shaped lines.
step 8
Use a pair of long and curved lines to draw the rest of the hind legs. Draw overlapping “U” shaped lines to enclose the foot and toe at the bottom.
step 9
Use a long, curved line to draw the back and bottom of the tail. Use curved lines that meet at points to draw a bushy tail.
Step 10
Color your coyote. Coyotes are usually gray to brown in color. Some are reddish in color. Then check out our other cartoon animal drawing tutorials.