How to draw a Magnifying Glass with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to Draw a Magnifying Glass step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Draw a circle to outline the frame of the magnifying glass
Start by creating a circle to outline the outside of the frame containing the magnifying glass. As mentioned, you may want to use a compass to help you with this if you find it difficult to draw a circle. If you don’t have a tool handy, you can use some round object like a cup and draw around it.

Step 2

Draw the handle
The handle will consist of two parts, the larger part where it actually tends to be held and the smaller narrower part that connects that part to the frame.
Draw the larger part first. Create a long rectangle with slightly rounded corners. Next add a little bit between it and the frame. You can draw it with just a pair of lines.

Step 3

Sketch the glasses and complete the line drawing
Finish drawing the line of the magnifying glass by adding another slightly smaller circle inside the circle from the previous step. This circle will set the width of the frame and also the border of the glass.
You can try drawing this circle by hand, using the outer circle as a guide, or you can again use a compass or try drawing another round object that’s a little smaller in size.
Once finished, you can review your drawing with a black pen or marker (as mentioned at the beginning of the tutorial). Additionally, you can also darken your lines by tracing them with a pencil.

Step 4

Color the magnifying glass
To complete the drawing you can color the magnifying glass. Colored pencils or paints can be a good choice for this because markers can be too bright.
Make the glasses light blue, the frame light gray, and the handle dark gray or black.
When coloring the glass, leave a small white area for the highlight (light reflected from the smooth surface of the glass) shaped like in the example. You can lightly outline this with a blue pencil to make it easier to color around it. You can then lightly tint it with blue but not to the point where it blends into the rest of the glass.

Other drawings for your reference:

how to draw a magnifying glass

You can see more drawing:



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