How to Draw a Wild Rose with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to Draw a Wild Rose step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Begin sketching the wild rose by sketching the fuzzy center of the flower. Use a series of small “U” shaped lines to enclose the circle.
Then, Use overlapping curved lines to start sketching the petals. Note that each petal has a small indentation on the outer edge.

Step 2

Continue drawing indented petals until you have a total of five petals. Use overlapping curves.

Step 3

Next, draw the details of your flower. Draw anthers containing pollen. For each, extend a short curved line from the center. Then, draw a small oval at the beginning of each line.
Texture the petals using curved lines and draw leaves around the flowers. For each leaf, extend two curved lines from the flower and allow them to meet at a sharp point.

Step 4

Draw the tree trunk. For each stem, extend a pair of curved lines. Then, draw leaves along the stem. Enclose the teardrop shape of each leaf, then draw a curved line down its center.

Step 5

Finish drawing the teardrop-shaped leaves along the stem. Connect them to the main stem by drawing curved lines of the leaf veins.
Then, draw the second rose. Again, start from the middle of the flower. Use a series of small “U” shaped lines to enclose the circle. Use a curved line to sketch the first petal.

Step 6

Continue drawing the petals using a series of overlapping curved lines.

Step 7

Detail of the second flower. Draw anthers containing pollen. For each, extend a short curved line from the center. Then, draw a small oval at the beginning of each line.
Texture the petals using curved lines and draw leaves around the flowers. For each leaf, extend two curved lines from the flower and allow them to meet at a sharp point.

Step 8

Continue drawing the stem and leaves. For each stem, extend a pair of curved lines. Then, draw leaves along the stem. Enclose the teardrop shape of each leaf, then draw a curved line down its center.

Step 9

Finish your wild rose border by drawing in the final leaves. Attach the teardrop shape of each and draw the rib down the middle.

Step 10

Color your cartoon of a wild rose. We have colored the flowers white and the leaves green.

Other drawings for your reference:

How to Draw a Wild Rose step by step

You can see more drawing:


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