The kittens are so funny and cute. The kitten led the ducklings into the forest to find treasure. The swimming pool is a big treasure, in which there are many small fish and shrimp. The duckling sleeps with the kitten after eating. The ducklings hope that the kitten will often take them to find such treasures.

Kitten takes duckling to find treasure

Captain kitten is so smart to know where the treasure is! Even the cows want to go on a guided tour with the group. Great story! Love this!
The cutest kid ever. And God gave them little shrimps in the water. Even he thought this was the cutest thing. His little animals. Everyone kisses a lot. So adorable, those little ducklings always follow their kitten friends closely. It’s so cute when the kitten stops walking and they all rush after him and snuggle with him. They have been well cared for and it is so sweet to see them resting in peace amidst their adventures. The duckling and kittens look so cute. Please make more videos about furballs, kittens, ducklings and chicks. You did a great job.

Kitten takes duckling to find treasure

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