Charlotte Flair is out to prove something as she takes on Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey in an epic battle at Survivor Series 2018: Courtesy of WWE Network.

Ronda Rousey vs Charlotte Flair Survivor Series 2018 - WWE


The WWE ladies did it again.

This time it was Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair at Survivor Series on Sunday, which placed second to last and put together an unforgettable performance. Not only is it one of the most exciting matches of the year but it also tells a great story, lays out some futuristic blueprints and, more importantly, offers one that most No recent WWE story – continuity.

Flair stuck in the match, struggling to get past Rousey and eventually broke down in a way most people could not have predicted. In the end, she paid the price with herself while going through a complete heel hit, beating out the former UFC star’s daylight and leaving her bloody and needing support to get out of the floor. match.

But the more important point here is the callback for Flair’s losing the title to Becky Lynch, where the current hottest WWE property pulls out all the stops to beat the Queen, teaching her a post. Learning about cruelty is the only way to the top. All of this comes together in great storytelling styles while managing to make both Superstars look great in the process.

It’s a stiff issue, but even some of the slowness of the two (possibly due to the match going against each other in less than a week) contributed to the veracity of a quick fight. is one of the most violent acts we’ve seen from WWE Female Superstars.

It was possible that this was the original game plan and WWE just copied and pasted Flair as Lynch. Either way, it still works – and now we have some interesting possibilities for the top three instead of the next two.

Plan it or not, this is the second time that top women’s feuds in the company have made everything else unforgettable. The first was earlier in the week when Lynch led an aggressive corner of Raw, was beaten by an absurd Nia Jax punch and had to retire due to serious injury. The answer completely eclipsed the fact that Daniel Bryan, of all people, not only won the world title again but did so while spinning on his heels.

Fast-forward to Sunday; this classic between Flair and Rousey made the main event between Bryan and Brock Lesnar forgettable. Which isn’t to say it wasn’t a great match. The Yes Man got dominated before using some foul play to almost steal a win. They pulled off a unique all-heel match and told a great story, even consistently working in injuries before the finish.

It just wasn’t nearly as good as Flair-Rousey and didn’t boost long-term storytelling ramifications like them.

The end result is a superb launching pad for the road to WrestleMania 35 and a nice character shakeup—especially for The Queen.

It’s hard to imagine WWE has the same problem it did with Lynch when turning her heel, either. The fans were cheering for Flair despite the dastardly actions Sunday night, but that felt more like the byproduct of fans backing The Irish Lass Kicker through her actions, attacking a person in Rousey who has been her main target for weeks now.

Best of all, WWE can go any way it wants. If that’s the taste of the first women’s first major event at WrestleMania, it hints at what a full-time match might be with the actual outcome. Going Triple Threat and adding Lynch would also make sense.

One way or another, while making some shuffles and perhaps a title change, The Lass Kicker will eventually get their hands on Jax, and the three will get through the road and have problems with each other.

Whichever path WWE decided to take, the story over the past few weeks with the top female division has shown enough to prove the trust of fans. Each of the Superstars on the list will not be treated the same, but not coincidentally, the attention to detail in a long-term plot and listening to fans’ reactions has created one of these talents. This most famous side of a number of legends (Lynch) and a worthy feud is a major WrestleMania event.

One way or another, these three will be involved in shaping WrestleMania’s main event setting this year, with Sunday’s classic at Survivor Series merely being a hint of what all of those are. Related is capable of performing on any stage.



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