This video left me speechless and put a big smile on my face. Watching them grow into an inseparable trio and the dogs’ tolerance and care for the kitten is a lesson for us all.
Watching this gentle, intelligent dog patiently wait for his new friend to be old enough to play with is probably the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m looking forward to their many adventures. I love how both dogs have a mature and wise to help kittens develop trust and love at their own pace. I love Sola’s patience and gentle care with the kittens, and am rewarded when the kittens learn to play and bond closely with her. Not sure of the other dogs names but he is so calm! Such a patient and strong presence for the kitten is underappreciated but I appreciate him a lot. I like the family clip at the end the most. I know not everyone rescues but whether you do or not, the connection here is so sweet.
Please watch more videos about dogs and cats:
The funniest mischievous animals | Funny cat and dog video #21
When the cat is bothered by the puppies | Funny cat and dog video. #3
[…] The kitten believes that he is also a dog – Dog and cat video#377 […]