The IQ of German Shepherds is generally considered to be quite high, especially among dog breeds. When discussing a dog’s “IQ”, we often refer to their intelligence. Intelligence is instinctive; this is an innate ability or talent that a dog has, such as herding or guarding in the case of German Shepherds.
Working Intelligence and Obedience German Shepherds rank very high in working intelligence and obedience. They are often ranked third among all dog breeds, behind the Border Collie and the Poodle. This high ranking reflects their ability to learn new commands quickly (usually in less than five repetitions) and their ability to obey their first command 95% of the time or higher, and their instincts are strong. strong. German Shepherds are known for their excellent problem-solving skills and ability to perform complex tasks, which is why they are often used in police work, search and rescue, and work as a service dog.
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