How to Draw a Beautiful Fairy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How To Draw a Beautiful Fairy step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

The fairy is a wonderful creature, she is very small in size and has unique abilities. Most fairies are kind-hearted characters. As we can see, our fairy has a small dress, high wings and pretty shoes. This image makes her very tender. This fairy lives in the land of elves. The fairies’ favorite color is green, that’s why we see a fairy in a green dress.

Step 1

Draw the basic lines of the body
First, outline the contours of the fairy’s torso. This is a very graceful creature, so it is best to use small, elongated ovals. As with any female figure, the pelvis in this case should be much wider than the shoulders. A smooth curve that mimics the spine will help you position these ovals correctly.

Step 2

Sketch arms and legs
You can create any pose for your fairy. In our case, the fairy slightly spread her arms to her sides and brought her knees together. If you want to create a similar pose, outline the arms and legs with smooth, curved lines like in our sample.

Step 3

Outlining the contours of Torso
Connect the pelvis and chest using circular, flowing lines. These lines should emphasize the grace of a woman’s figure and the smooth expansion behind the narrow waist. Alternatively, draw a vertical line for the face to indicate symmetry and a horizontal line to represent the eyes.

Step 4

Drawing fairy hands
Draw the smooth, graceful contours of our fairy’s hand. Due to the cartoon style, the length of the hand is equal to the length of the forearm.

Step 5

Draw fairy feet
Draw the outline of our fairy legs. As you can see, these are fairly wide contours, tapering towards the joints. … Note the typical curvature of the shin.

Step 6

Draw the eyes and mouth of the fairy
Use facial contours to draw the contours of the eyes and mouth. So you might notice big almond-shaped eyes and full lips. Don’t forget the nose looks like a short line.

Step 7

Sketch a fairy hairstyle
Draw the contours of the hairstyle. In fact, you can create any hairstyle for your fairy. By the way, we decided to use smooth, rounded lines to create a traditionally feminine hairstyle with bouncy bangs.

Step 8

Draw fairy clothes
So we made a rough sketch of our beautiful fairy’s face and head. Now outline the smooth contours of this little charmer’s shoulders and upper body.

Step 9

Outline the contours of the arms
Draw smooth, graceful contours of the shoulders and arms. The forearm has minimal extension in the proximal part. Also, avoid contractions and extensions that are too sharp.

Step 10

Draw the hand of a fairy
Now it’s time to finish working with our character’s hand, right? Draw long, thin fingers. Pay attention to the shape and size of our witch fingers. Also, match the position of the thumb with the other fingers in the palm.

Step 11

raw the Hips and Dress
Draw the outline of the dress and the top of the legs of our fairy tale character. You can choose the hem of the dress according to your imagination.

Step 12

Draw fairy shoes
Choose a shoe shape for this adorable fairy. We decided to paint large, round decorations on each shoe. You can add laces, heels or other parts of the shoe.

Step 13

Drawing Fairy Wings
Fairies are quite fast and mobile. These cute creatures have thin elastic wings that help them quickly find themselves in dense piles of furniture. Each wing consists of an elongated part and a rounded part. The outline of the wings is very similar to that of a butterfly.

Step 14

Delete Principle
To make your fairy drawing look really nice and complete, remove all the auxiliary paths. So you can darken your fairy lines to make it more expressive.

Similar drawings for your reference

How To Draw a Beautiful Fairy step by stepHow To Draw a Beautiful Fairy step by step


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