How to draw a cute Pig Step by Step

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How to draw a cute Pig Step by Step

How to draw a cute Pig easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.

How to draw a cute Pig Step by Step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Start by drawing an oval. This will form the head of the pig.

Step 2

Overlap the oval, draw an irregular wrapper, like a heart with a rounded bottom. This will form the pig’s nose.

Step 3

Draw a curve from the top of the nose and a longer curve below it. Draw two “U” shaped lines below the longer one to form the open mouth.

Step 4

Draw a short curve from the top of the nose to the top of an oval, and a long curve from the bottom of the mouth to the top of the oval.

Step 5

Delete remaining guide lines from the oval.

Step 6

Draw the ear using a series of connected “U”-shaped lines.

Step 7

Draw the other ear, using the same curves.

Step 8

To create the body composition, draw a large oval that overlaps the back of the head.

Step 9

Draw a long, curved line from the top end to the bottom of the oval.

Step 10

Remove the remaining guide lines from the large oval.

Step 11

Sketch the legs by drawing two sets of curves. Within each set of lines, the lines must be spaced apart at the top rather than at the bottom.

Step 12

To form the far legs, draw two more sets of curves extending from the belly.

Step 13

Remove guide lines from the legs.

Step 14

Connect each set of pins using a curve, then use two “U” shaped lines to form hooves.

Step 15

Draw a curly spiral, which overlaps one another to form a tail.

Step 16

Draw another curly line parallel to the first, erasing the overlapping lines as needed.

Step 17

Draw an oval part above the nose and a short curve next to it. Draw a second oval part on top of the curve. These ovals will form the eye. Then, draw a curve over each eye using two short curves.

Step 18

Draw two ovals on the nose to form the nostrils. Draw a curve over the mouth and shade above it.

Step 19

Draw two parallel curves through each eye and two small ovals below them. Shade the area around the oval to form the pupils.

Step 20

Color your pig. Many cartoon pigs are pink, but they can also be black, brown, white, or speckled.




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