How to draw a ferry boat with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Draw the ship’s hull
First, sketch the hull by drawing a shape similar to the illustration. Next, draw the horizontal line of the ship’s hull as shown.
Step 2
Forming the superstructure
Let’s create the outline of the superstructures on the ferry by drawing two shapes with protrusions on the right. Next, draw a horizontal line across the lower superstructure. Then, attach a chimney to the top superstructure.
Step 3
Add Windows
Add windows on the ferry’s superstructure by drawing rectangles.
Step 4
Create Taffrails
Create taffrails by drawing a long horizontal line with small vertical lines attached to the bottom as shown.
Step 5
Draw the body of water
Draw the water around the ferry by creating wavy horizontal lines.
Step 6
Complete the ferry drawing
Complete the ferry drawing by adding colors! First, use a red pencil to shade the bottom of the superstructure as well as the bottom of the hull. Also use a red pencil to color the chimney. Now let’s fill in the windows with a blue pencil. Next, color in the rest of the ferry using white markers. Finally, color the sky and water with different shades of blue.
Other drawings for your reference:
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