How To Draw a Rooster Easy Step By Step

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How To Draw a Rooster

How To Draw a Rooster with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.

How To Draw a Rooster

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1:

Draw your rooster’s chest
If you’ve followed our rooster drawing tutorial, you can expect us to start drawing this rooster in a similar way. However, there is a big difference in the stature of chickens and roosters. Roosters tend to stand much taller and straighter than chickens, and we will begin to reflect this difference in this first step.

Before you put pen to paper, make sure you draw this first construction line in the center of your canvas. It is also important to ensure that there is plenty of room on all sides of this first building shape for all other elements of the rooster’s body.

For the chest part of the rooster, you want to create a large vertical oval. This oval is quite long and narrow, like an elongated egg.

Step 2:

Main body construction
Now that we have constructed the rooster’s chest and neck area, it’s time to turn our attention to the main body shape. The main body of the rooster slopes slightly down towards the bottom left corner of the canvas.

To create this effect, draw a slightly fatter oval that overlaps the bottom half of the chest oval and slopes down towards the left corner of the canvas.

Step 3:

Create the shape of the tail
Roosters are known for their large and gorgeous tail feathers, and in this third step we’ll be using another large oval building shape to help us outline the tail. The oval of the tail should be roughly the same as the oval of the main body. The tail construction shape should start at the bottom of the main body oval and should be slightly upward.

At the end of this step, your rooster drawing should look like the example below.

Step 4:

Sketch of the rooster’s head
So far all the building shapes we’ve used have been large ovals. Now it’s time to take another turn and use a small circle to represent the hooves of the rooster’s head. The head should be slightly forward of the top point of the oval at the chest and should also just touch the top slightly.

Tip: Keep some space between head and chest as we will be adding Wattle below the head soon.

Step 5:

Give your rooster a comb
In this step, we will arrange the building shape for the comb on the top of the rooster’s head. This bright red and fleshy appendage is characteristic of roosters, and the bigger the rooster, the stronger and more impressive the rooster will be. Starting at the top of the head circle, draw the rooster’s comb freehand, making indents and curved tops.

You can connect the other end of the comb to the front of the rooster’s face, where you imagine the top of the beak.

Step 6:

Draw Wattle
You’ll be doing two things very quickly in this step. The first thing you will do is draw the cock’s beak, starting at the front line of the comb, and after reaching a pointed end, bending back and down to join the beak. The rooster’s gong consists of two ovals that hang slightly below the head circle.

The shape closest to our perspective should start below the head circle and merge with the beak. The remaining frame can be represented by a half oval extending from this first frame.

Step 7:

Create the shape of thighs
Step 7 is quick and easy. In this step, you’ll use a freehand curve to shape the upper leg and thigh area. This area is where the legs will begin to emerge from underneath the fur.

Start at the bottom point of the main body oval, and draw a curve around and down, then decrease further, and finally extend upwards to meet the main body oval again.

Step 8:

Lay the foundation for the legs and feet
In our final build steps, we’ll use some simple lines to create the basic shape of the rooster’s legs and feet. Starting at the bottom of the last shape you drew, draw a line going down and then curving towards the left side of the canvas in an “L” shape. Repeat this step to draw the second leg, then draw three more lines on the leg closest to us. The first additional line should be at the base of the “L” and the other two should be at the back of the leg, with the highest line being very short.

For the second leg, you can only add the trail above this.

Step 9:

Draw the final sketch of your rooster drawing
When you decided that you wanted to create a drawing of a rooster, you probably didn’t envision all the construction steps we just went through. However, now that we have these building shapes, you’ll see how easy it is to create the final, perfectly proportioned outline of your rooster drawing.

Using all the construction lines, you will shape the final contour of your rooster drawing. Starting at the top, outline the head and the tip, bring the tip a little above the head and add a dividing line at the beak. You can also add an eye to the head, which is made up of concentric circles. Behind the comb, add some lining feather details.

Continue sketching the rest of the rooster’s body, following the building shapes fairly closely but make sure you include some variation to create a smooth and natural shape.

In several places around the body, including the back of the neck, around the top of the chest, and on the top of the tail, you can use short strokes to give the impression of contouring. On the tail area, create a line of feathers of different sizes and shapes around the lower part of the build shape. Some of these feathers may be pointed or smooth, and they should overlap slightly.

Once you get to the legs and feet, use the construction lines as your midpoints and outline them on the sides. Add spiky nail details to the tips of each toe and for a complete finish you can add a curved line inside the main body to represent the rooster wings.

Step 10:

More feather detail and texture
When you first look at the example below, you may be overwhelmed by the sudden amount of detail, but we promise this step is simpler than it appears. Start at your rooster’s head, and use small dots and lines to add texture to the comb and feathers. Next, following the curve of the rooster’s body, continue from the top and down to the next using small lines to give the impression of feather details.

As you go deeper into the main body, these lines will get longer and longer. Draw lines one by one and make sure they don’t overlap for the most realistic look.

Once you get to the wing line on the main body, you can start using short lines to create a larger feather shape and continue adding contour details to the large tail feathers. Draw a center line through each of these large feathers and then add small strokes on the sides. To complete this step, fill in the center of the eye with black, and use small circles and incomplete doodles to add texture to the rooster’s legs and feet.

Step 11:

Color the background layer
Our drawing of a rooster includes a range of different colors in different parts of the body. The best way to build up each of these colors and keep them alive and true is to build up the color gradually. The first color that we will use is a light ocher. Using this color you can paint in the head, neck and upper body of the rooster.

Remember to leave the rooster’s face, chest, wings, bottom and tail blank as they will have different colors.

Step 12:

Coloring Comb and Wattle
For this step, use a small brush and paint a light pink or ruby ​​shade to color in the comb, ledge, and face of your rooster painting. In the following steps we will add highlights and shadows to this area of ​​your rooster canvas.

Step 13:

Add a second coat of color paint
Although the name of this step indicates that we are only adding one more color in this step, we are actually using three different colors to complete the basic shades for the entire body of the rooster drawing. your. Start by using a navy blue shade to color all the remaining bare parts of the rooster’s chest area. Next, for the tail feathers, look for a dark green-green color to color them all evenly.

Finally, you can use light pink or beige to color the legs and feet of the rooster drawing.

Step 14:

Using Highlights and Shadows to Add Depth
In this step we will use shadows and highlights to add a sense of depth and realistic texture to some parts of our rooster drawing. Start by using a soft brush and a bit of white paint to create small highlights on the basket, comb and your rooster’s face, focusing the white paint on the areas that can catch the light. naturally.

Next, still using your white, add some highlights to the top of the blue shadows on the wings and chest area, and along with the separate tail feathers. Focus a patch of white paint on the rooster’s back at the point where the body and tail meet. You can also emphasize the forefoot and rooster legs.

Step 15:

Add the final highlights and shadows
In this step we are adding finishing touches to color your rooster drawing. Start by using white to color in the sticker just below the rooster’s head. Next, use a bit of black paint to add shadows around the top and bottom edges of the rooster’s head.

You want to use this darker brown or black paint to cast shadows on the yellow part of the rooster’s body, concentrating most of the shadow on the lower back and wing shapes.

Step 16:

Make your rooster drawing seamless
If you’re happy with your rooster drawing, this step is completely optional. In this step, we will erase the contours and texture lines in your rooster drawing to create a more seamless and realistic look. The best way to do this is to use respectively at each point of the contour and texture marks to paint over them. For the feather texture details inside the rooster’s body, use a sharp brush and paint in a darker brown color.

By Emily

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