How to draw a squirrel step by step

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How to draw a squirrel step by step

How to draw a squirrel easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. How to draw animals for beginners and kids.

How to draw a squirrel step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

First, draw the head and body as two ovals. With these ovals we can not only create the main body parts of the squirrel, but we can also place the animal on a piece of paper.

Step 2

Now draw the ears at the top of the head. Note that the inner side of the ear should be turned outward. Don’t forget to describe the cartilage inside the ear closest to us.

Step 3

Now, with very simple and smooth lines, let’s depict a small and neat snout of a squirrel. Connect the head and neck with a few simple lines.

Step 4

Draw a big eye and a small nose. To make sure the squirrel drawing matches, look at it in the mirror from time to time.

Step 5

Now go a little lower and depict the small arm with small fingers and sharp claws. The arms should taper from shoulder to wrist.

Step 6

Now let’s move a little further down to draw the squirrel’s legs. Start by drawing the top sections of the legs with simple, smooth lines.

Step 7

Now draw long feet with small toes and sharp claws. Please note that the squirrel’s legs should be significantly larger than the arms.

Step 8

Now, let’s describe one of the squirrel’s most distinctive features, its soft tail. Draw this part of the body with short, smooth lines, creating a characteristic curve.

Step 9

Now finish drawing the tail of the squirrel by delineating the bottom edge with the same short strokes. You can press more to increase the buoyancy of the tail.

Step 10

Now, with the help of an eraser, remove all the construction lines from the squirrel drawing created in the first stages. For a fuller look, try outlining the artwork with darker lines.

Step 11

We paint the squirrel brown, chest and underside light brown, inside ears and nose pinkish brown. The eye should be painted black, leaving a small white accent in it.

Add some shadows to give the squirrel a three-dimensional look. You can also make your rodent more detailed by depicting the texture of the coat with lots of short strokes.


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