How to draw an albatross with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.

How to draw an albatross step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Draw the border.
Start by drawing the basic outline of the bird. Draw the circle of the head, then use curved lines to form the seagull’s body and tail.

Step 2

Draw the beak.
Extend two curved lines from the face and draw a beak. In addition to the beak, you need to draw the shape of the eye.

Step 3

More details.
Draw the bird’s pupils and beak line.Drawing a seagull for beginners

Step 4

Body parts.
Draw the bird’s wing using a long, curved line. Then draw a semicircular thigh of the bird.

Step 5

Add feathers.
Using wavy lines, draw seagull feathers on the wings. This step also shows how to draw the bird’s second thigh.

Step 6

Draw the legs. and front wings.
Extend two parallel lines from the thighs and form the crow’s feet. and an arc in the front creates a way forward, paying attention to drawing more details on the wing feathers.

Step 7

Add a second leg.
Now draw the second leg of the bird as shown in the example.Draw a seagull step by step

Step 8

Color your seagull.
To color the seagull, use yellow, blue and different shades of gray.

Other drawings for your reference:

How to draw an albatross step by step

You can see more drawing:


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