How to draw corn stalks step by step – Tree Drawing

How to draw corn stalks with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to draw corn stalks step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1.

Start by drawing some long vertical lines. These lines will form the main stem of the corn plant. Make them different heights to create a more natural look.

Step 2.

On each stem, add curved lines to represent leaves. Corn leaves are long and narrow, slightly curved. Draw these lines going out from both sides of the trunk.

Step 3.

Draw long, thin shapes around the top of the stem to represent the husks. These shapes should be slightly curved and tapered at the end. You can make them overlap each other for a realistic effect.

Step 4.

Add oval or oblong shapes on the stalks to represent ears of corn. Place them at different heights along the trunk. You can show some parts hidden behind the husk for depth.

Step 5.

Add some lines or details to the ear to represent the nucleus. The corn kernels are arranged in neat rows so you can draw lines parallel to the long axis of the corn.

Step 6.

Add detail to the leaves by drawing parallel lines to represent veins. This will give your corn stalks a more realistic and textured look.

Step 7.

Draw a horizontal line at the bottom to represent the ground. You can also add some shadow around the base of the tree trunks to give them a background and add depth.
Finally, color the drawing. You can use green and pink.

Other drawings for your reference:

How to draw corn stalks step by step

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