How to draw Cyborg with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Start by sketching Cyborg’s head. Enclose an irregular circle. Use a “C” shaped line for the ears, overlapping the shape of the head. Draw a curved line from the top of the ear to the top of the head. Then, use a curved line and a straight line to enclose the neck.
Step 2
Detail of Cyborg’s face. Draw a “Z” shaped line down the middle of the face. Draw a round eye and four-sided eyebrows on each side. Draw two smaller circles within the eye on one side. Use curved lines to form the nose and mouth. Enclose an irregular oval overlapping the side of the face at the chin.
Step 3
Draw Cyborg’s torso. Use a series of curved lines to enclose his shoulders and chest. Use another series of lines to enclose the stomach.
Step 4
Enclose an irregular circle in the center of the chest. Use four curved lines to connect it to the shoulder and bottom of the chest.
Step 5
Belly detail. Draw a series of horizontal lines across it. Then, draw three lines between this line and the chest.
Step 6
Draw Cyborg’s arm, erasing if necessary. Accompanied by an irregular shape in the shoulder. Armor detail with two teardrop shapes; Draw a small circle in one of them. Then, extend two straight lines to indicate the arms. Enclose them with a “Z” shaped line to form the top of the glove. Then, extend the straight lines to form the edges of the glove and connect them using a curved line. Detail the gloves with lines and circles. Finally, use curved lines to enclose the finger and thumb.
Step 7
Draw the remaining arm. Enclose a rectangle at the shoulder and detail it with teardrops, circles, and small rectangles. Then, extend the parallel lines of the arms into the irregular shape of a glove. Detail the gloves with lines and circles. Use overlapping curved lines to form the finger and thumb.
Step 8
Draw Cyborg’s legs. Extend a pair of lines from the stem. Enclose them at the knees using a “V” shaped line and a rounded rectangle. Extend the diverging lines to form the legs and feet. Enclose the foot with irregular shapes made up of curved lines. Detail the feet using lines and circles.
Step 9
Draw the other leg as described in part 8.
Step 10
Color Cyborg. His robot body is gray and he has red electronic eyes.