How to Draw My Melody with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to Draw My Melody by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Start sketching My Melody from Sanrio by drawing Melody’s face. Use a small oval for the nose, with a curved line creating the smiling mouth underneath. Shadow two larger ovals for the eyes.

Step 2

Outline the face using a long, curved line. From the beginning of the line, extend another line and double it to form the bunny’s floppy ear.

Step 3

Use a series of three “U” shaped lines to begin drawing the petals at the base of the ear. Then, place the ear above it, extend a curved line, and duplicate it back.

Step 4

Complete the flower by adding a “U” shaped petal and an oval shape for the center of the flower. Then, draw the face into an oval shape, using a long curved line.

Step 5

Begin drawing the My Melody hood’s rectangular collar using curved lines.

Step 6

Hand draw My Melody, erase if necessary. Use a curved line that doubles over itself, paying attention to the bulge of the fingers. Use another curved line for the edge of the stem while hugging a strawberry so it’s proportional to the drawing.

Step 7

From the arm, extend a line and double it to form the foot. Extend another line to form the bottom of the body.

Step 8

Use a “C” shaped line to complete the outline and indicate the remaining leg. Use another “C” shaped line for the fluffy tail.

Step 9

Your My Melody from Sanrio sketch is now complete. Color your cute character. We left Melody’s fur white and colored her hat pink.

Other drawings for your reference:

How to Draw My Melody by step

You can see more drawing:


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