How to Draw My Melody with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Start sketching My Melody from Sanrio by drawing Melody’s face. Use a small oval for the nose, with a curved line creating the smiling mouth underneath. Shadow two larger ovals for the eyes.
Step 2
Outline the face using a long, curved line. From the beginning of the line, extend another line and double it to form the bunny’s floppy ear.
Step 3
Use a series of three “U” shaped lines to begin drawing the petals at the base of the ear. Then, place the ear above it, extend a curved line, and duplicate it back.
Step 4
Complete the flower by adding a “U” shaped petal and an oval shape for the center of the flower. Then, draw the face into an oval shape, using a long curved line.
Step 5
Begin drawing the My Melody hood’s rectangular collar using curved lines.
Step 6
Hand draw My Melody, erase if necessary. Use a curved line that doubles over itself, paying attention to the bulge of the fingers. Use another curved line for the edge of the stem while hugging a strawberry so it’s proportional to the drawing.
Step 7
From the arm, extend a line and double it to form the foot. Extend another line to form the bottom of the body.
Step 8
Use a “C” shaped line to complete the outline and indicate the remaining leg. Use another “C” shaped line for the fluffy tail.
Step 9
Your My Melody from Sanrio sketch is now complete. Color your cute character. We left Melody’s fur white and colored her hat pink.