Scary Movie, the fourth! The most disrespectful parody since there were horror shockers and blockbusters! To scream funny and absurd than ever, director and comedy legend David Zucker (“The Naked Cannon”) pulls off Hollywood hits like “War of the Worlds”, “Million Dollar Baby”, “Saw” and “The Village” the cocoa. Cult comedian Leslie Nielsen (“Mafia”) mimes the American president, mercilessly funny. Parallels to the original are actually very intentional!

Scary Movie 4 in German

Generation Flashback

Also there again: Anna Faris as naive Cindy Campbell and Regina Hall (“Scary Movie 1-3”) as her selfish friend Brenda. It is certain that no eye will remain dry when Cindy ends up as a geriatric nurse in a haunted house and then has to fight the invasion of ultra-evil aliens with Brenda and her good-looking but completely unsuspecting neighbor Tom Ryan. In addition, guest appearances by Carmen Electra (“Starsky & Hutch”), Bill Pullman (“While you were sleeping”), Michael Madsen (“Sin City”) and many other stars guarantee uncontrollable laughter!







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