Video failures of the week – Idiots Around Europe

Video failures of the week

Video compilation of the world’s funniest failure moments. It’s funny how Failarmy swears in English and not Russian or Polish The boy trying to start the vacuum cleaner like a lawn mower killed me The prisoner hoped he could leave. Go to the back of the car with ease. Let me roll when he asked the car behind him not to say anything. It’s fun to watch. Great video Croatian granny eating cake even though it falls to the ground is amazing It’s nice to see we’re all just a bunch of people trying to figure out life, no matter where we live. Strangely sane even in the stupid things we do. If anyone is curious, the horses that fell through the ice still survived. Apparently it’s from 2009, I looked it up. I expect it to end well. The drunk guy wearing a top hat and a banana hammock passing out while riding a donkey is the most Greek thing I’ve ever seen. I love and miss Europe so much.. the rain videos feel a lot like Europe. That’s actually how toilets work on long-distance trains at least in Finland. You will literally have a pipe leading straight to the tracks and ask not to use them while on the station. We have a popular saying, ‘Works like a toilet on a train’ when we want to indicate something works really well and reliably.

Video failures of the week

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