Videos That Prove Golden Retrievers Are the Funniest Dog Breed

Videos That Prove Golden Retrievers Are the Funniest Dog Breed

Videos That Prove Golden Retrievers Are the Funniest Dog Breed

Tiger Funnies

The dogs are so funny and hilarious, they never make us laugh and be happy! Just look at how all these dogs play, how they fail, make hilarious noises, … It’s funny, ridiculous and cute! What’s your favorite clip?
It’s official: The Golden Retrievers are the funniest breed, for sure (OK, so all doggos dogs are hilarious, but the Goldens have our hearts!). From getting into everything they shouldn’t have in the house to reacting hysterically to things like lemons, walking, and toothbrushes, we’ve watched enough videos to know that Golden Retrievers are cute little rats. Most, most interesting.



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