How to draw a cat Step by Step

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How to draw a cat

How to draw a cat easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Animal Drawings for those who are starting out and for children

How to draw a cat

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1:

Building the Cat’s Main Body
If you have followed any of our other animal drawing tutorials, you will know that we always start by using construction lines. Construction lines are incredibly helpful for any artist, whether you are an accomplished artist or a beginner. Starting a drawing with construction shapes and lines is a great way to make sure your dimensions are perfect before you start adding details. For our cat drawing, we are going to begin with an elongated oval shape. Ideally, this oval should be slightly angled down towards the right.

The most important part of this first step is to make sure that your oval is in the center of your canvas. There are many other elements to the cat, including the head, tail, and legs, that you will draw in the next few steps and these need plenty of space.

Step 2:

Building the Cat’s Head
In this second step, you are going to use another construction oval to represent the head of your drawing of a cat. The head oval should be much smaller than the body oval you drew in the last step, and it should be more steeply angled down to the right.

You want to place this head oval at the front of the cat’s body oval, but you do not want the two to touch or overlap.

Step 3:

Building the Cat’s First Front Leg
The next part of the cat’s body you need to construct is the front leg. The leg we are starting with is the front leg that is furthest away from us. Because of this perspective, you can begin the lines for the leg right on the body oval. At the bottom of the main body oval, just behind the front point, draw two straight lines that extend out towards the front. You want the two lines to get closer together as they get to the bottom.

At the bottom of this leg, draw a small oval angled upward. You will use this oval to draw the cat’s paw in later steps.

Step 4:

Building the Cat’s Second Front Leg
In this fourth step, use the same process that you did for step three. For this front leg, however, you need to draw the lines straight down, rather than facing forward. Add a little uneven circle at the bottom of this leg to represent the paw.

Step 5:

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Building the Cat’s First Back Leg
This step and the next focus on drawing the first back leg in your drawing of a cat. Begin this back leg just in front of the back of the body oval. Draw a square “U” shape that faces the back. The cat’s back legs have a knee joint, so it is easier to draw this leg in two stages. This first construction shape is going to represent the cat’s thigh.

complete the bottom of this back leg, draw two lines that are slightly angled towards the back and finish the leg with a rotated uneven circle.

Hopefully you can now see the shape of the back leg, and in the next few steps we will start to flesh it out.

Step 6:

Constructing the Cat’s Second Back Leg
For the second back leg, you are going to follow the same basic steps that you did for the first back leg. Start with another square “U” shape, but draw this one facing straight down rather than to the back. You want to make sure that the rear line of this “U” shape begins on the “U” shape of the other back leg, to capture the right perspective.

To finish this final back leg, you are going to use two short lines and an uneven circle. To capture the correct angle of the cat’s back leg, you want these two lines to be angled towards the front of the cat’s body. You also want to make sure that the uneven circle faces forwards.

At this stage of the how to draw a realistic cat tutorial, you should start to see the basic shape of your cat coming together, and it should look something like our example below.

Step 7:

Building the Cat’s Tail
It is now time to draw the construction line that you will use to draw the tail. For the tail, you can simply use a single curved line, extending from just above the back point of the body oval. For that signature curved tail, draw the line so it looks slightly like a “2.”

Step 8:

Drawing Your Cat’s Ears
This is the last construction step before we move on to create the final outline for your drawing of a cat. The perfect placement for the cat’s ears is right on the top of its head, just after the top point of the head oval. Begin by drawing a pointed triangular shape on the top of the cat’s head oval, and then draw a slightly more rounded one behind it. You want to make sure that the front ear overlaps the back one, to get the perspective right.

Step 9:

Fine Lining the Outline of Your Cat Drawing
After all these steps using construction lines, it is finally time to put them to use and draw the final outline for your drawing of a cat. The best place to begin drawing your outline is at the head. Using the oval shape to help you, trace the ears and then flatten the top of the head slightly, before dipping down into

By Emily

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