How to Draw Daffy Duck Step by Step

By Emily No Comments #along came daffy #asian duck #barduck #bbq duck cafe #black duck #black duck tavern #blue duck #blue duck cafe #blue duck inn #blue duck tavern #bugs and daffy #bugs and daffy show #bugs bunny and daffy duck #bugs bunny and daffy duck show #bugs bunny daffy duck #bugs bunny e daffy duck #cartoon characters to draw #cartoon drawings #cartoons to draw #costco duck #crazy duck #daffy and bugs bunny #daffy and daisy duck #daffy dilly #daffy doc #daffy doodles #daffy duck #daffy duck 1937 #daffy duck acchiappafantasmi #daffy duck and egghead #daffy duck and the dinosaur #daffy duck angry #daffy duck batman #daffy duck beak #daffy duck christmas #daffy duck despicable #daffy duck disney #daffy duck donald duck #daffy duck duck amuck #daffy duck duck dodgers #daffy duck for president #daffy duck funko pop #daffy duck funny #daffy duck hitler #daffy duck holding money #daffy duck hunt #daffy duck in hollywood #daffy duck looney tunes show #daffy duck mad #daffy duck martian #daffy duck mickey mouse #daffy duck robin hood #daffy duck show #daffy duck six flags #daffy duck slept here #daffy duck snes #daffy duck space #daffy duck space jam #daffy duck space jam 2 #daffy duck space show #daffy duck sufferin succotash #daffy duck's fantastic island #daffy duck's quackbusters #daffy duck's rhapsody #daffy flies north #daffy looney tunes #daffy rents #daffy scooby doo #daffy sheldon duck #daffy the commando #daffy's rhapsody #daffy's southern exposure #dalkey duck #daphne duck looney tunes #dog and duck #dog and duck clements ferry #dog and duck park west #dog and duck pub #dog duck #donald and daffy #donald and daffy duck #donald duck and daffy duck #donald duck looney tunes #draftee daffy #Drawing #drip along daffy #duck #duck amuck 1953 #duck and dive #duck and rice #duck and rice soho #duck and roll #duck and rose #duck blue #duck burger #duck butt #duck club #duck deli #duck dive #duck dodgers n64 #duck dodgers starring daffy duck #duck donuts near me #duck duck goose #duck fat #duck from looney tunes #duck goose #duck in #duck in looney tunes #duck inn #duck inn stanhoe #duck near me #duck press #duck soup soho #duckaroo #duckdonuts #duckhouse #duckland #ducks and drakes #ducks bar #ducks in the field #easy cartoon drawings #fat duck #fluffy duck #flying duck #forbidden duck #fox and duck therfield #golden duck #goose duck #hollywood daffy #holy duck #how to draw daffy duck #how to draw daffy duck fokes #how to draw daffy duck step by step #hungry duck #imperial treasure asia square #imperial treasure paragon #kai duck #king duck #laughing duck #little duck #looney tunes bugs bunny and daffy duck #looney tunes daffy #looney tunes daffy duck #looney tunes daffy duck hunt #looney tunes melissa duck #looney tunes porky's duck hunt #looney tunes robin hood daffy #looney tunes yankee doodle daffy #mallards #melissa duck #mickey mouse daffy duck #mother duck #nc coast grill and bar #new looney tunes daffy duck #paper duck #partick duck club #pickled duck #pink duck #plane daffy #quackbusters #quanjude #riff raffy daffy #robin hood daffy #rubber duck cafe #ruddy duck #scruffy duck norton #sitting duck #slightly daffy #sloppy duck saloon #sour duck #sour duck market #space jam 2 daffy duck #strange duck brewing #strawberry duck #supercartoons daffy duck #tasty duck #tex avery daffy duck #the black duck #the blue duck #the daffy doc #the daffy duck show #the daffy duckaroo #the dog and duck #the duck #the duck and the peach #the duck and waffle #the duck burtle #the duck from looney tunes #the duck gorey #the duck inn stanhoe #the duxorcist #the fat duck #the flying duck #the hungry duck #the pickled duck #the ruddy duck #the scruffy duck #the sitting duck #thirsty duck sussex #tom turk and daffy #white duck #whole duck near me #wild duck #woody and daffy duck #yan chuan roaster #yankee doodle daffy #you were never duckier #yummy duck
How to Draw Daffy Duck

How to Draw Daffy Duck with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.

How to Draw Daffy Duck

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

To start this Daffy Duck drawing tutorial, we’ll start by drawing his face and beak. Start by drawing two thin ovals next to each other.

The oval on the right will be slightly thinner to show perspective. Then remember to draw some more rounded shapes inside the eye contour for his pupils.

You can then draw its beak to give it a smiling expression.

The beak will probably be the hardest part of this whole drawing, so do your best to replicate the curves shown in our reference image exactly as they appear there.

Finally, draw some more curves for the top of his head, and this will include three spikes sticking out of the top of his head.

Finish this step by drawing some more lines for his neck, and then we can move on.

Step 2

– Now, draw some details of his mouth and draw his first arm

The Daffy Duck has a rather skinny and lanky body and limbs, and we’ll be adding the first of those to your Daffy Duck drawing in this step.

Before we do that, we will first add some details to his face. You can start by drawing a tongue inside his mouth, and then you can draw some dots for his nostrils.

Then use some more curves to draw his tall, lanky arm raised, and then it should end up with a hand with some long, thin fingers.

Step 3

– Next, draw another arm for Daffy Duck

In this third step of the how to draw Daffy Duck tutorial, we will draw another arm for him.

This will be on the left side, and this will be bent down to have my hands curled at my waist.

This arm will also have some sharp curves over the top of the shoulder, as shown in our reference image.

To finish off this step, we’ll also add another line for his back extending from below his shoulders. That’s all there is to this step, so now let’s move on!

Step 4

– Now draw the rest of the outline for his body

Continuing with your Daffy Duck drawing, you are now ready to add the rest of the outline to his body.

First, use some more curves to draw the front of his chest. These lines will extend into pointed ends to show that his chest is hairy.

His chest area will be pretty thin, and then you can use some stretchy circles for the bottom half of his body.

His lower body will be larger and more rounded than his chest. Finish with some small rounded shapes on his lower body, as this is where his legs will extend from later on.

Step 5

– Add final details to your Daffy Duck drawing

Your painting is almost done, however he is still missing some important features!

This is what we’ll be drawing in this step of the Daffy Duck tutorial as we get you ready for the final step.

The main element to add in this step will be his legs and you can start by drawing some downward curves from those feathers on his torso.

Then we will draw his paw to his leg. Each foot will extend outward, and they will also be large and webbed.

Draw them using several more rounded lines that culminate in three toes at the end of each line.

After his legs are drawn, are you going to add any kind of background or additional details? This is your chance to get creative before moving on to the final step, so make sure you have fun with it!

Step 6

– Complete your Daffy Duck drawing with color

This character may not be the most colorful cartoon ever created, but he still has a pretty striking color scheme!

We kept things accurate with his various appearances in our reference image by using black for his body and bright orange for his legs and beak. We also used some shades of red and pink for his mouth and tongue to finish him off!

Will you use these same colors for your Daffy Duck drawing or will you create your own unique variation? We look forward to seeing what you do!

By Emily

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