How To Draw A Hawk Step By Step | Bird drawing easy

How To Draw A Hawk with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids.

How To Draw A Hawk Step By Step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Start drawing the hawk’s head. Draw a letter “U” upside down. In the top left corner, add a small spiked pin. The mine’s score just went down.

Step 2

Draw big round eyes just behind the beak. Add a short thread under the beak to make the mouth. There is a curve from the left of the “U” on the left almost to the right.

Step 3

Next draw a long curved line down the back. It starts at the top right and curves outward and slightly at the bottom.

Step 4

From the bottom of the line the top left depicts the belly curving down with a small bump at the bottom for the legs. Now add the wings. Start just below the head and the wings curve sharply near the ventral line and down at an angle along the ventral line. The lower part of the wings extends below the back. It then bends up to join the following line.

Step 5

At the bottom of the abdomen on the abdomen withdraw the claws at the legs. The forelegs have two sharp claws in the front and one sharp claw in the back. The other leg is slightly behind the first leg. Add a claw to the back of the foot. At the bottom of the wings add some long tail feathers. The jagged roads combined with the back roads.

Step 6

Finally draw two lines to create branches for the hawk to perch.

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