How To Draw A Lemur with this how-to video and step-by-step rawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for beginners and kids

How To Draw A Lemur Easy Step By Step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

First things first. Draw a circle for the lemur’s head and then add guide lines on the face. Next, draw two lines that will form the neck and attach them to another circle as the body of this animal. You will need to draw an egg shape for the rest of the body, then add the legs and tail lines.

Step 2

Use the facial guides to draw the shape of the big eyes and then color in some pupils. Draw the shape of the muzzle and then the nose and mouth.

Step 3

Now that the face is drawn, you can start sketching the shape of the lemur’s head and ears. Use a jagged stroke for this part as you want to make sure that the lining makes the animal look fierce around the face, head and neck. Detail the ears and then add some strokes to the forehead.

Step 4

You can now start sketching out the shape of the lemur’s curved body position. Then draw some more chest and then the front shoulders and hind legs as you see here.

Step 5

You are almost done with this tutorial. All you need to do now is draw the shape of your front legs and fingers like a hand. Next, draw the hind legs, paws and toes as you see here and make sure that the back is drawn with fur and/or longer fur.

Step 6

For your final drawing step, sketch out the thick long tail that looks like fluff and then add loops to complete the sketch. Erase all the principles and shapes you drew in step one and move around to see how your lemur will look when you’re done.

This is your finished drawing of a cartoon lemur. Color it and you’re done with this “how to draw a lemur step by step” tutorial. Well done guys!

By Emily

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