How to Draw a Ukulele with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to Draw a Ukulele step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Begin sketching the ukulele by sketching the body of the instrument. Use a long, curved line to outline the guitar’s bean-shaped frame. Draw a circle to indicate the sound hole.

Step 2

Draw a long curved line from the top of the body to the bottom, giving the instrument a three-dimensional appearance. Draw a small oval at the bottom.

Step 3

Draw a curved line connecting the neck lines at the bottom and a straight line connecting them at the top.
Draw another line parallel to the neck and connect it to the edge of the ukulele using a short straight line.

Step 4

Use a series of curved and straight lines to outline the head at the top of the neck.

Step 5

Draw the tuners on the side of the headstock. For each one, enclose a shape that resembles a small oval intersecting a larger shape. Draw lines parallel to the head to give it a three-dimensional shape.

Step 6

Draw the tuners on the other side of the headstock. Complete the face of the front end with a curved line.

Step 7

Draw a rectangle near the bottom of the ukulele’s body. This is the saddle that holds the rope. On top of the guitar, draw a circle inside each tuner.

Step 8

Tie the neck with straight lines and place small ovals between some of them. These are the keys that allow you to play different notes.

Step 9

Finalize your ukulele sketch by drawing the strings. Place a narrow rectangle on the saddle. From there, draw a line to each oval on the head.

Step 10

Color your cartoon ukulele. We painted the ukulele brown, a traditional color because ukuleles are made from wood.

Other drawings for your reference:

How to Draw a Ukulele step by step

You can see more drawing:



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