How to Draw a Sailboat with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to Draw a Sailboat step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Sketch of the sailboat’s hull. To do this, draw an upside down trapezoid.

Step 2

Sketch the cabin of the boat. To sketch this part of the boat, draw a very thin diamond that is touching the boat—however, you don’t need to draw the long bottom line because the sailboat itself creates that. Then, draw a slightly diagonal line above the diamond but touching it. Parallel to that line, draw an even more diagonal line and connect the two with another slightly curved line above. Then, draw a few squares and half circles inside this shape to make the windows.

Step 3

Sketch the mast of the sailboat. To do this, draw two very long parallel lines on the top of the cabin, very close to each other but not touching. Connect these lines with two short lines facing up and create a small point.

Step 4

Sketch the sails. To sketch these, draw two large right triangles touching the mast of the sailboat. Be sure to leave some space on the left sail between the sail and the mast. Once done, draw a few curved lines near the top of the mast and one in the lower right corner of the sail on the left. touch the mast.

Step 5

Sketch of the waves created by a sailboat. These may just be slight ripples.

Step 6

Erase any excesssketch marks.

Step 7

Add color to your drawing if you want.

Other drawings for your reference:

How to Draw a Sailboat step by step

You can see more drawing:


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