How to draw an angel step by step | Easy Drawing of Girl

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How to draw an angel step by step

How to draw an angel with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to draw an angel step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Let’s start by creating tutorials and shapes for the girls in this anime with a possible frame tutorial. Start by drawing two vertical lines, draw the drawing for the girl’s outfit, and follow the directions. Next, draw the rules for a fairy’s dress and form in the draw a fairy tutorial.

Step 2

We will start drawing ideas for the leg rest and the outfit at this stage. I think a dress like this would look great on her. They are everywhere. Anyway, let’s start working on the wings. The clothes we are going to draw are curly but not too curly. Draw a frame for the legs. Then draw different lines.

Step 3

Outline the shape of the fairy’s head, including her hairstyle. To get this look, draw three ovals inside the rectangle’s outline, as shown. Make a tiny nose and mouth. I chose a short straight style for this anime figure. Then let’s add some hair descriptors for texture. Shape the arms into desired shapes. The arms are pointed away from the body in this figure. Make a circle with your fingers as seen.

Step 4

Step four involves adding some information to the simple step-by-step easy drawing of the girl. Now we have to add a shadow effect to the costume of drawing a fairy. Then we draw some lines to give a shadow effect to the girl’s dress.

Step: 5

We’ll add the necessary specifics to an easy fairy drawing of a girl’s figure to make her look less like a Barbie doll:

Two huge wings are drawn on the back. Now we will start working on the wings.
Draw the wide top parts of each wing this way, then draw the second parts of the wings in the same way.
Draw a rib pattern on the wings as shown, and if you want anything a little more fancy, use your favorite lining design.
All you have to do now is clean up the mistakes on her wings.

Step: 6

Now it’s time to add some color to our girl drawing easy step by step. So we’re going to put orange and purple colors on the wings of the drawing of a fairy.

Step: 7

In the last step we will finish drawing our girl easily step by step. First, we have to paint some color on the body and wings of the girl’s easy fairy drawing. Then our easy drawing of the girl looks good and beautiful.



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