How to Draw Bulbasaur from Pokemon . Easy Step by Step

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How to Draw Bulbasaur from Pokemon

How to Draw Bulbasaur from Pokemon with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and kids.

How to Draw Bulbasaur from Pokemon

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Make two shapes that will be for the head and body guide. When that is done sketch in the facial guidelines as well.

Step 2

Define the shape for Bulbasaur’s head and also incorporate the ears or small mounds for the ears.

Step 3

Draw in the wide open mouth shape and then add the tongue and teeth.

Step 4

Using the facial guidelines you will draw the large shapes of the eyes. Add the pupils and then the markings on the face which are speckles or spots. Don’t forget the nostrils slits as well.

Step 5

We are done with Bulbasaur’s head and face so lets start tackling the body. Do so by drawing the front limbs and claws, then add some spots too.

Step 6

Draw the back end of Bulbasaur, which should include the back leg and nails. Don’t forget those two spots.

Step 7

And lastly, draw the large garlic like bulb on his back. Add the lining to detail the bulb and then you’re done. Erase the mistakes and all the guides too.

Step 8

That’s it, you are all done. Add some color to bring Bulbasaur to life.

By Emily

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