How to Draw Venus planet with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Begin sketching Venus by drawing a large circle. This forms the basic shape of the planet. Then, draw a wavy line on it. This shows the planet’s clouds and atmosphere.
Step 2
Skip a space, then continue drawing the wavy line, outlining a swirling band of clouds across the planet’s surface.
Step 3
Draw another long wavy line below the first line.
Step 4
Draw more wavy lines, some between the first two lines.
Step 5
Enclose irregular shapes in the cloud band.
Step 6
Draw another band of clouds near the planet’s north pole, again using wavy lines.
Step 7
Use curved lines to enclose the more irregular shapes near the top of the planet.
Step 8
Next, envelop the cloud near Venus’s south pole. Use curved lines that occasionally meet in sharp points.
Step 9
Complete your Venus outline by enclosing a few irregular circles between its cloud bands.
Step 10
Your sketch of Venus is complete. Color your drawing. We realistically shaded our image using a variety of orange and yellow colors, from yellow-orange to orange-red.