I appreciate how the first dog receives the same attention and love as the new dog. Most people can’t do that. Even the experts. It shows a deep understanding of dog language and how owners should treat dogs. Your dogs are so beautiful and they are so lucky to have such good parents.

The golden dog has a new puppy sister

You can tell that these two will be inseparable and are the best of friends! For mom and dad did a great job allowing both dogs to find their place in this new situation! Your patience and understanding are what really matter! Like a child he’s had for two and four years and this intruder just appeared and hasn’t disappeared. It took some time and adjustment for him to accept the new child. Good for showing this. Dogs are amazing when they sort things out. You showed equal concern for both of them and gave them space to work things out. Did you realize that this adorable puppy is going to be huge just look at the size of those paws, it will be at least the size of a kobi.

The golden dog has a new puppy sister

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