How to Draw a Lion using numbers 2 with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Simple drawing for kids and beginners.

How to Draw a Lion using numbers 2 step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1:

Draw a large number 2 on your paper. This will be the lion’s head. Make the top of the number slightly curved to represent the lion’s forehead.

Step 2:

Around number 2 draw wavy lines to form a lion’s mane. Create thick, irregular lines to give the mane a wild and flowing look. The mane should surround the lion’s head.

Step 3:

Draw two small circles above the number 2 to create the lion’s ears. These circles should be placed at the top of the head, one on each side.

Step 4:

Eyes and Nose
Inside number 2, draw two small circles for the lion’s eyes. Place them towards the top of the head, slightly to the sides. Then, draw a small triangle below the eyes for the lion’s nose.

Step 5:

Mouth and antennae
Below the nose, draw a small curved line for the lion’s mouth. Add a few short lines on each side of the nose to make the lion’s whiskers.

Step 6:

Extend two downward lines from the bottom of number 2 to create the lion’s body. Create slightly curved lines to give the body a natural shape.

Step 7:

Add four short lines to each side of the lion’s body to represent the legs. The front legs should be slightly shorter than the back legs. Connect these lines to the body to complete the legs

Step 8:

At the end of each leg, draw small ovals to represent the lion’s paws. Make sure they are proportional to the size of the leg.

Step 9:

Finally, draw a long curved line extending from the back of the lion’s body all the way to the tail. Add a few short lines at the end of the tail to represent the lion’s fur.

Step 10:

Add any additional details you want, such as shading, texture, or additional mane details, to bring your lion drawing to life.

Other drawings for your reference:

how to draw a lion using numbers 2

You can see more drawing:


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